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July 16, 2019

Welcome to the U.S.

The conversation I would like to hear happening at our southern border:

Border Patrol Officer: “Welcome to the United States of America. How may I help you?”

Asylum Seeker: “We would like to apply for asylum in this country.”

BPO: “Oh, I’m sorry that you felt you had to leave your home and family to do this. Please, come with me and we’ll start the application. Who is applying?”

AS: “Me, my wife, and our three children.”

BPO: “If you would like something to drink, there is a fridge over there filled with water and juice.”

AS: “We thank you.”

BPO: “Have you come far?”

AS: “Maybe a thousand miles.”

BPO: “I honestly can’t imagine. I’m sorry you and your family are going through this. Was it a dangerous journey?”

AS: “Yes. My brother and his son died along the way. We were lucky to have a bus for part of it, but most of it was walking and walking.”

BPO: “So sorry. Are you all hungry?”

AS: “Yes. We haven’t had food since two days ago.”

BPO: (on radio) “can I get some food brought in here for two adults and three children?

“Excuse me, where are you from?”

AS: “Honduras.”

BPO: “They’re from Honduras, thanks.

“Now you realize I can make no promises. You can apply and we’ll look at the circumstances, but this is just the beginning.”

AS: “We understand.”

BPO: “I’ll take your information now and start the process. It may take a month or two. In the mean time, we have housing for you. Because Americans are so grateful to those who welcomed them before, they want to pay it forward. We have a network of people who have opened their homes to asylum seekers such as yourselves. You’ll stay here in this facility until we can get you moved to a comfortable home for you and your children.”

AS: “Thank you.”

BPO: “You’ll like Americans. We’re the type of people who cook casseroles for a neighbor in need. Our hosts families look forward to making you comfortable and learning about Honduras as much as teaching you about America.”

AS: “Honduras used to be like that. Sounds nice to have again.”

BPO: “You realize that if your application is denied we will have to force you and your family to leave the US? It’s the law.”

AS: “Yes, we know the risk.”

BPO: “Okay, then...let’s fill out this application and see what we can do for you.”

When Americans are so wealthy we can spend countless dollars on our LAWNS, and cars, and watches that track our steps, so many frivolities, we can find funds to pay forward for our ancestors who were given a chance in this country.


Russell Viers

I'm just a guy who finds the world an interesting place and likes to capture certain moments with a camera. They aren't for sale, or anything. I just like them. Well, usually. I've taken a lot of photos I don't like, as well.

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