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March 21, 2019

Heading to Amarillo

How about another Kooky’s Road Trip?

This time, a short one, to Amarillo, TX.

Apparently, I’m giving a keynote speech at the Panhandle Press Association convention. My guess is that all the other speakers Roger Estlack invited were busy.

Cigars for this trip courtesy of my brother Christopher S Viers.

We'll take a different set of wheels this time. How about a 1983 Mazda RX-7? She may not be the prettiest thing on the road, but she runs great!

First stop! Picking up a passenger to Wichita. Mark Sanderson is tagging along for a few hours.

Cigars, Bavarian bier, and great conversation with Dieter, the owner of the Cafe Bahnhof in Wynoka, Oklahoma is on the horizon. Also a short stop in Canadian to see my old friend Laurie Ezzell Brown.


Russell Viers

I'm just a guy who finds the world an interesting place and likes to capture certain moments with a camera. They aren't for sale, or anything. I just like them. Well, usually. I've taken a lot of photos I don't like, as well.

Suggested Stories

Every Moment I Get Along the Way

There was a wreck last night on I-84, just outside Nampa, ID. It was one of those bad ones where you can see flashing lights up ahead, and plenty of them.

Small Delays

Day Four: When driving old cars it’s always a good idea to look under them for puddles and parts. I guess the same could be said for old people.

Stop and Smell the Cigar

As I walked along the sea in Reykjavik, Iceland on this perfect afternoon, taking shots of the rocks various people had stacked on the shore and enjoying a cigar, an older lady stopped her bike behind me and started talking to me in what I assume was Icelandic.“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,”