Getting Lost...or Found
It doesn’t take much to get me off the Interstate. I’ll take U.S. or State Highways any day. County roads are even better.
Yesterday, after a short stop at Allsup's in Santa Rosa, NM for, well, you know why I stop at Allsup's...I headed south on 54 to Las Cruces. Two lanes of pure joy, I must say. As you can see, I stopped a few times along the way.
One of my favorite stops was in Duran. I could see it was once a neat little town. After the railroad decided not to stop there, anymore, it just kind of died away.
I stopped a local and chatted for a bit. I asked her "how much is a place in Duran, should I want to move here."
She told me that nothing is for sale. All the land is owned by families and they don't want anyone new moving in. I think she just didn't like my hat.